A Bug in the Tall Grass

A Bug in the Tall Grass
Pokemon Yellow screen grab, c.1998.

I’m excited to embark on this new journey and I love that this platform will help make it fun to share more of myself with you. Honestly, I’m nervous too, so let me say that the stakes are low here and we're just gonna figure it out as we go.

Okay, so the year was 1998 and Pokemon Yellow just dropped for Gameboy, my stepdad bought it for my Sibling and I, we wore that thing out. I loved the adventure, strategy and battling/collecting all 150 creative creatures. Art has felt like that for me. I started in another country then emigrated to The States and it's been with me on this adventure ever since.

I'm building this space to feel like early Instagram where I posted my doodles and shit just felt free. Yes, this space will serve as the hub to support my art and ideas but also letting me be an open source in sharing the knowledge I have collected in my freelance career. So basically, I'm blogging, spilling the beans, and opening up the shop. I'm the ninth gym leader, without a gym.